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Recent Works

Eternal Bodies.png

Title: Eternal Bodies

Mixed Media Painting

47 x 47 in round


Currently Available with the Allied Arts Council of Pincher Creek


Title: Attempts at Attracting the Definition of Time

Mixed Media Painting

24 x 84 in, 2020

Private Collection

Just One.png

Title: Just One

Acrylic on Canvas

26 x 17 3/4 in, 2020

Private Collection


the guardian.png

Title: Guardian

Mixed Media Painting

41 in diametre, 2020

Private Collection


Minds Eye.png

Title:  Minds Eye

Mixed Media Painting

41 in diametre, 2020

Private Collection


Said the Grass to the Wind.jpg

Title: I am so very cold. Will you be intimate with me? Said the Grass to the Wind.

Acrylic, charcoal, graphite, ink + time on birch panel

48 x 48 in, 2018

Private Collection


Imagine sitting in a field of tall grass, with the chinook wind on your body. Close your eyes. It’s late fall. You feel the cold of the mountain air on your face. You hear it move through the dried grasses. It’s searching for something, anything to alter its path; for someone to understand it's vulgarity. 


Remove your human-ness from the moment, all thats left is grass and moving air. What a different conversation it is, when fear and distain of the wind are removed.

Two entities, interacting as they have always done. 

I have.jpg

Title: I have all of the answers but I will not divulge

Acrylic, charcoal, graphite, ink + time on birch panel

48 x 48 in, 2018

Private Collection


This piece was to be thick with shadow, mystery, layers of drawings and white washes, representing information systems beyond our understanding. Hinting at a description of the spaces between as hosting the bits of life we may not even notice. 


The beauty is appreciated, but can we grasp the depth of the unknown? On the surface, tree stumps are in vogue. They are peaceful and magical, representing our lost connection to the real ‘ground’ of the world although they represent their own demise. We crave a connection to nature, but have constructed a social reality that disassociates our ability to see a system of communication other than our own. This piece was meant to be a reminder to look deeper into the empty space and allow yourself to daydream any and all possible contents of the space between.


In the end, I couldn’t bring myself to keep working it. My heartbeat slowed in the empty spaces. So the spaces stayed empty. 

The Pulse of Me.jpg

Title: Solitude is my earthly pleasure 

If you enter my world 


The pulse of me will seduce you 


White paint, charcoal, graphite + time on birch

48 x 48 in, 2018

Private Collection

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McRae Atelier Inc.
13852 HWY 3, Dayspring, NS, Canada
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